Lineage: Mónica de la Torre, Ted Dodson, xesxa despentes

Thursday, June 17, 2021, 7:00pm

About the event

This is an online event and will take place on Zoom, as well as streamed on Youtube. 
Free, link to attend.
Closed captions in English available. 

LINEAGE is a quarterly event honoring the relationships that sustain artists. Poets’ concerns, processes, and creations intersect, inform, support and challenge each other. In this reading series, one selected reader invites a mentor and a mentee to read alongside them, illuminating this sometimes subtle, sometimes urgent, golden thread of artistic lineage.

The seventh LINEAGE reading features Mónica de la Torre, Ted Dodson, and xesxa despentes.

LINEAGE is organized by emily brandt and hosted by Wendy's Subway.

About the readers

Ted Dodson is the author of An Orange (Pioneer Works / Wonder, 2021) and At The National Monument / Always Today (Pioneer Works, 2016). He works for BOMB, is an editor-at-large for Futurepoem, and is a former editor of The Poetry Project Newsletter.

Mónica de la Torre’s most recent book of poems and translations is Repetition Nineteen (Nightboat, 2020). Other books include The Happy End/All Welcome—a riff on a riff on Kafka's Amerika—and Public Domain. With Alex Balgiu, she co-edited the anthology Women in Concrete Poetry 1959–79 (Primary Information, 2020) and teaches at Brooklyn College and Bard’s MFA program.

xesxa despentes/francesca demusz is a poet and artist living on portland, oregon occupied traditional lands of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tumwater, Tualatin Kalapuya, Wasco, Molalla, Cowlitz and Watlala bands of the Chinook. they are the author of Crying In The Sun (TXTbooks, 2017) and their poems have most recently appeared in "A Dollar’s Worth of Blood, Please”: Anti-Capitalist Poets (Adjunct Press x Woodland Pattern 2021). 

About the organizer

emily brandt is the author of Falsehood (After Hours Editions) and three chapbooks. She's a co-founding editor of No, Dear and an Instructional Coach at a NYC public school.


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